Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Last night is the terrible and most tired night for me. Yesterday Cik Wok (MIL's youngest sister) admitted at HUKM Private for cyst operation (just a day after her birthday). I'm not there coz yesterday is my 1st day turn up to the office after long holiday for Raya (I’m supposed to resume work on Monday but due to kids-not-feeling-well-condition, I take extra 1 day holiday). Cik Wok accompanied by MIL & BIL (both husb & wif). Everything is doing okay. The operation up to 5 hrs (11am to 4pm) and I managed to talk to her at 4 something just to make sure she is doing okay after the operation. Unfortunately, no one is beside her when she had been transferred to the ward. After office, we (me n By) straight away to HUKM and reached there at 6.40. We were there until 7.40. But this is not the thing that gets me tired. I'm really less sleep last night. My stomach felt like tot! And I don't know what-to-call-it. I'm just realised that I often go to the toilet start from 2.30 to 5.30am, just to lepas hajat (but I just lepas hajat once only). Luckily during my Isya’ and tahajud, I can’t feel the contraction. Is that call contraction? Hahaha.. It’s funny to think that this is not my 1st time carry a baby in the womb! But honestly, I can't recall the way contraction-feel. And I just get sleep after performed my Subuh and it's about 6.30am and it's cause me and B woke up at 7.45 to get ready to go to work!!!!

And for now, I still can feel the not-comfortable-stomach. I still don’t know whether this is the feel to-deliver due to not easy to estimate my due date. My calculation follow my LMP is on 12 November 2008 (and today is my 35 weeks pregnancy – thru my experiences, kids will ‘appear’ between week 36-38 : it’s mean another 1 to 3 weeks) and according to ultrasound calculation (doc said the ultrasound can ‘read’ the due date due to baby size and the weight : sorry, I’m not a doctor!!) my due date will be on 3rd December 2008 (if my baby come out on this date, he/she will share birthday with his/her grandmas!!). Should I go to other clinic to do ultrasound or check up? Sorry to say but this is not my 1st pregnancy and from my previous pregnancy experience, the due date is same as per my LMP and ultrasound calculation.

Whatever is, I just pray to Allah to protect me and baby. I don’t care about gender. I just pray that Allah will help us during the labour time. And hopefully he/she is perfect as his/her sisters and brings a lucky star into our family and will grow as a Muslim as well.

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:: DUni@ @kU :: ** Di sini tempatnya kucurahkan rasa **

Di sini, di kesempatan ini, aku lontarkan rasa hati, aku luahkan segala keluhan, keriangan, suka duka, gelak tawa.. dalam jurnal kehidupanku ini, aku sertakan foto kenangan, moga satu hari nanti tatkala kesunyian melanda, rentetan peristiwa2 ini bisa mengembalikan tawa dan air mata. Dan juga bila nanti mata tertutup, ada kenangan untuk ditonton..